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I was born with the name Elien Van Bouchaute and 'reborn' as Maia, after a rebirth process the name Maja came to me as a new name. Later I refined the orthography to Maia. From then on I use the name Maia. At first I was afraid to change it. What will others say or think? What comments will I get? Are you participating in a cult? No, I changed my name because I listened to my soul. Both are a part of me: my birth name Elien baptized as the name of my inner child and Maia as my mature, fully realized soul. The name Maia ensures that I grow more in my full consciousness.
Welcome to Maia.
I graduated as a clinical psychologist and developed myself further shortly after my studies. I quickly saw that conversations were insufficient and that the body was missing as a healing aspect. My research, education and consciousness expansion started. I focused my attention more on myself, rather than on the other. I saw more and more that my growth and awareness is a key for everyone around me. From health coach, mindfulness trainer to more spiritual connecting trauma healing: IoPT, Avalon, Circling and Heart IQ, to 5Rhythms, PsychoSexual Somatics Therapy and Somatic Experiencing, organic initiations and healing processes. I realized that life itself is a school and a playing field. Being aware of this. Interacting consciously with it. Learning and healing. Resting, recovering, recharging and renewing. Putting ourselves back on the playing field, recognizing ourselves as a player and directing the game.
After leaving my job in the hospital, being kicked out of a group practice, starting my own practice, stopping the same practice both physically and online, joining an international team, leaving that team,...
After traveling and being completely thrown back on myself.
After the game with self-destruction, power and hierarchy: glorifying e.g. my partner and teammate, neglecting myself, suppressing my own being and expression, believing the other unconditionally against my intuition, taking over the worldview and spiritual ideals of another, allowing myself to be abused, considering myself not good enough, not trusting myself,...
After the following lessons and insights: (re)finding and (re)anchoring my own strength, insight, self-respect, self-love, boundaries, and especially trust in myself and my own intuition.
After the contemplation and the many questions to myself:
What am I doing on this earth?
Why do I live?
What naturally springs forth from me?
Without making any effort, without being influenced by family, friends,... society, my survival instinct,
I gave myself the time to let the answer drop in naturally.
To come to the realization that the essence of my being still consists out of sharing my being with the world. With you? Or you? Or you? Or you?...
I came back to the same: people and interactions with people have always been my inspiration, interest and passion. The pleasure, challenge and excitement of sharing with you my authentic being and embodiment, the wisdom, insights and healing tools. Helping you to evolve and grow. Dealing with obstacles together, learning to express yourself authentically, making your mission on earth visible and supporting you in actualizing. Sharing my dreams (see homepage) and at the same time putting them into form.
Recently in June 2022, I renewed my license as a clinical psychologist. I was scared to not being able to bring my unique different approach to the classic health industry. Now, I realise that it's important to just bring myself fully as I am and work here in this business. I am looking forward to meet you and guide along your pathway.
After this break I launch myself back into the world. With new insights, new forms of working, which are also constantly changing and evolving, like myself. Organic healing is the key. Using our daily life as a guideline to constantly discover and realize ourselves more fully. That is my passion and where I want to meet you all. So that you can become self-conscious playmates.